Wednesday 7 February 2007


It snowed today!!! I was so excited in the morning, but obviously, by afternoon, nothing much is left. It wasn't the thick snow that you can have snowball fights with. Alas, it's just the nuisance sort, which made me almost made me fall! But today, was good day. I just realised, that Snow White and Seven Dwarfs sounds so racist. Not the dwarfs, but the 'princess', Snow White. Skin as white as snow. Such a racist statement. Its funny how some people think they're so superior just because their skin is fairer. I have 'friends' like that too. Its even funnier when you try so hard to change your skin colour. Like getting a tan under the sun, or fake body spray tan even. Like hello? ( I know I sound so bitchy. Can't help it. )

Well, not such a good day. I walked up to the Stone Cottage for my Politics tutorial. Our tutor didn't turn up! Probably still in America. I was so mad! Wouldn't the department have the courtesy to at least email the students? Its a 30 minute-walk, for god's sake!

I'm actually not in the mood to blog. I just wanna say congrats to Tasha who managed to lose 5kgs, during winter, whereas I'm just piling up on winter weight. It sucks to be flabby. Trust me, it's not exactly a mood uplifter when you go shopping for new clothes and you need to go up one size. And it seems fat girls get it so much worse than fat boys. Why is that?

Now that it has snowed, I need to get my knee length boots! I've brought skinny jeans from Malaysia and it's about time they come out of the wardrobe! While I can still fit in them! At least, I think I can.

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