Saturday 27 January 2007

I'm back

I know. I keep changing blogs like how I change my phone numbers. Or like how I change my phones. But I can't help it. I need a fresh look. I pretty much screwed up the last one , but it'll always be up and running for sentimental purposes. It's been a long, long while since I last blogged (in any blogs for all that matters), I know. But undeniably it does take up a significant portion of your time no matter how you look at it. Especially when you want to put up all the pictures. Ah well. Blogs have always been my anonymous bitching platform. This function will always perform itself no matter what.

It's a Saturday morning, right before brunch. I'm missing my darling Azman so so much. It's great to be in love. It's great to have someone there for you all the time. I'm sure everyone has been there before. But being in a long distance relationship is not something that can be taken lightly. Initially I was a non-believer in long distance relationships. But we've been together close to 14 months now, and still going on strong. I have countless friends who believed that it was never going to work, and I'm trying to hard not to rub it in your faces people, you might run back to you mommies and cry so hard. But truth is, as skeptical as all of the others were, I made your 1 month mark. Your 2 months mark. Your 6 months mark. And guess what ? We made it past one year, and we're still standing as strong as ever. I know many others have been in relationships longer than this, but this is by far the longest for me, so it's a pretty damn big deal for me. Maybe I should send another reminder out there, this is in fact, without any reasonable doubt, MY blog. My personal space. My platform of freedom of speech. If you don't like it, then you're not welcomed here either. If you're offended by my posts, then you were probably supposed to feel that way. I know it's extremely bitchy of me, but let's face it. Deep down every other bloggers would like to say the same thing. But, =) I was just establishing some ground rules.

I'm going to get ready for brunch now. The only reason while I'm still studying in Durham Univeristy, University College, a.k.a The Castle, is because I'm enjoying reading my degree - Philosophy, Politics and Economics. That's all. There's pretty much nothing left to do here. Except for clubbing and drinking every night. And people talking massively about it the next day. How shallow.

After brunch I'm going to chat with the dearest beloved Azman. I have so much to bitch about. But I have a stomach to fill.

Till then

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