Monday 29 January 2007

Running out of minutes

I've got that Monday blues. No matter how filled up or free my timetable is, I can never love Mondays. Oh, unless I'm on a term break. Then everyday is a Sunday. My day of rest.

I am seriously running out of minutes. People go like "whoa" when they hear about my phone plan. And wonder how I manage to finish all of those minutes. Seriously though, its not enough. 1500 minutes and 100 texts for month is just not working out for me. Screw the texts, I need more minutes. It'd be nice if they gave me international texts though. They're too many days in a month, too little minutes to spend. Yes, talking to my Azman is never enough. Sometimes time just pass by without you knowing it. Especially when you're on the phone. I still call family, but I still reach to the same conclusion that my minutes are not enough. I'm fine with them charging me for excess usage. But Bloody Hell! 17.5% of VAT! What's that to some, but I'm an international sponsored student with lots of financial constraints. Seriously, they're robbing me poor! It's bad enough that I'm already poor!

It's annoying reading PPE ( Philosophy, Politics and Economics - Triple Honours ) because they expect you to do massive reading on your own. There's never time, let's be honest. I don't go out much, yet there still isn't enough time to read all the bloody necessary reading, what more the recommended readings! Do people not have a sense of logic? It doesn't help either if your lecturers are sooo interesting! They put in sooo much effort to make the lectures interesting! NOT!

My politics lecturer is Greek. She's plain annoying. I can't stand her. Then again, nobody can. She throws everything in your face. Put simply, her lectures aren't conducive for note-taking. She talks so fast you can never write down anything. When she stresses on the fact that this and that is important for exams, she talks even faster. Sometimes it doesn't sound like English at all to me! Its hard enough that when she speaks normally, it still doesn't sound like English. Yes, cut me a lot of slack, my mother tongue is Malay. Even local Brits can't understand her. Her weird accent. Oh yeah, she has a pHD in Politics. Why can't she just photocopy her notes and just pass it on to all of us? Saves us all the hassle.

More whinings will come. Oh yes, I'm going to dinner now. In The Great Hall. In The Castle. Very Grand, but you'll be surprised to hear me bitching about it later.

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