Saturday 2 June 2007


I am not ashamed to admit that I am addicted to Subway's White Chocolate Chip and Macadamia Nut Cookie. All this time, I've had it alongside sub-of-the-day and a 500ml bottle of coke for 3 quid. Cool deal, I know. So previously, I limit myself to one cookie per week. All this 'trying to save and be frugal with money' is really driving me insane. So then I started buying just the cookie, which costs 47p, but if I buy 3, it would be only 1.19 quid. So from then on I started buying 3 cookies everyday. I'm just so addicted to it. I can't help it.

I don't care if people say it's gross, whatever. I don't care if it's 10g of fat per cookie, or the fact that it could be half-baked. Well generally I'm a big fan of cookies. Although on the surface I prefer not to be called a cookie-monster.

Now that the exams are over, I'm still in shock. I've been enjoying my free evenings, indubitably, but I wonder how I'm going to survive for the remaining 21 days here. Well in between there's my trip to Italy, Edinburgh and good ol' London. No wonder I'm broke right?

Last night I went to the Combined Honours Party, held in conjunction with the end of exams!!! It was a champagne reception, followed by a bbq dinner on a boat, river cruise and disco on board, and lastly, the Grand Finale, Planet of Sound at the union. It was my night out after so long. And by that, I mean after so, so, so long. I earned my night out. I've returned all 12 library books. I have been studious haha!

I'm going shopping tomorrow and I know it will be therapeutic! Its been 6 weeks since I last went! I have yet to watch Pirates of the Carribean 3 as well, but I've been warned by Leen to wiki the previous 'duology' in order to understand the movie better.

At this point of time, almost everyone is selling of their textbooks. I've had seniors who did their degree without owning any books. But that's not me, I can't live like that. I need to have a book on my own, one that I can highlight those important points, and that I can refer back when I'm revising. With that, it means I assimilate with my books. I can't just sell my books like they never meant anything to me? Besides, its not like I've ever sold any of my books. None. Nada. I may buy second or third hand books from people and pay-less stores, but only to add to my collection. I can never sell any of my books! They're like my babies! No No No. Selling my textbooks are therefore never an option. (Of cos my mom goes behind my back and donate my textbooks to my little cousins- which I don't mind, but I really mind when she gives it away to the newspaper collection man for some spare change!) Besides, its not like I've read every single page of the book and memorise its contents? Although I could use the extra cash. Even then, there's no way I'm selling my 25quid Philosophy Ethics' book for half price or anything less even! Azman says that's the value of second hand books. All the more reasons not to sell.

Magazines are another form of literature I refuse to dispose no matter how old the edition is. It's still money isn't it? My sister knows well enough not to use my magazines for her art project. it will be a nightmare for everyone if she did!

This does not make me weird. Back off. I love collecting books. Except for those books whose pages smell funny they make me want to throw up, all and all I'm a book lover. Yes I am. And I'm proud of it! As much as I'm addicted to Subway's cookies, I'm addicted to my books and magazines as well, if not just as much, more even =)

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