Tuesday 29 May 2007

Let's Accelerate Global Warming!

It's geting to end of May isn't it? One would think it should be at least warm by now. What is wrong with the English weather? So much for global warming. Spring is definitely not in the air. It STILL feels like winter here. It's sunny up north, and south (like duh), but it's still screwed up here. It was literally freezing this morning! Why?

I don't care what people will say, I'm going to help accelerate global warming when I get back home. This is so, that when I come back in Autumn 2007, it should be warm. But one can only hope, don't you think?

So whenever I feel hot, I will switch on the air-cond. I will use it without switching it off. If there are still CFC sprays in my house I will use it. Hairsprays will do good.

It is seriously unfair that it's freaking hot in Malaysia, (its like staying in a furnace) yet global warming seem to not be producing any effects here. What the hell?

Gah, anyways, I had my Ideas and Ideologies Politics paper earlier today. It was raining on my way there, and back. And it takes me 30 minutes to get there. Sat for my paper all wet and cold, and went back in the sad drizzle. Without any umbrella or hoodie head cover. But at least I got the paper done and over with. One more on Thursday afternoon, and the hardest of all, International Relations. I know, it sounds so posh right? But trust me, this is one module you do not want to take up. I've got to get back to foreign policies so I'll blog again after the exams. 2 more days till exam ends. Can't wait!


niji said...

lol.. me last one's IR too.. what's up with that? sucks.. but it'll be done tomorrow!! lambat lagi la...

Anonymous said...

Siket lagi cik amni.. lepas itu.. pulang la ke tanah air kite yang hangat lagi happening... haha.. all d best for ur last paper!!